Call for Posters and Participation in ACM Student Research Competition
Deadline for Submission: March 29, 2013
Notification of Acceptance: April 19, 2013
Poster/Student Research Submission: please use this link to the submission site.
The International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS) invites submissions of high-quality posters. The poster session is intended to showcase unpublished work in progress in the topics covered by ICS. The titles, abstracts, and authors of accepted posters will be listed in the conference proceedings. Eligible student posters will be also included into the ACM Student Research Competition (SRC).
General Poster Submission Requirements
All poster participants must submit the following information:
- The title of the poster and a list of author names, affiliations, and the name of the academic advisor if it is a student poster.
- A camera-ready abstract of the poster, up to 100 words.
- A separate description outlining the content of the poster, up to 800 words, which describes the research problem, motivation and background, techniques and results, and the prospect for clearly and concisely conveying the work in a poster format. Further, it should emphasize the novel contributions of the work explicitly.
- Please indicate the eligibility for SRC of your poster & whether you are an undergraduate or graduate student. Entering the SRC is optional. Competition-eligible posters must be authored solely by an ACM student member, with student status as of March 15, 2013.
A panel of experts will evaluate the submissions based on novelty of approach, significance of contribution, and quality of work.

ACM Student Research Competition (SRC)
Sponsored by ACM and Microsoft Research, the SRC is a forum for students to share research results, exchange ideas, and improve their communication skills while competing for prizes. Students accepted to participate in the SRC are entitled to a travel grant (up to $500) to help cover travel expenses. The top 3 undergraduate and graduate winners will receive the following prizes:
The SRC consists of 2 rounds: a poster session and a presentation session. A panel of judges will select a number of finalists from the poster session, who will be invited to the presentation session at ICS'13 to compete for the prizes. Evaluation will concentrate on the quality of the visual and oral presentation, research methods, and the significance of the contribution.
Please note: For more information about the student research competition, including travel reimbursement, please see the ACM web site.
Important dates
- Abstract submission: January 11, 2013 (Friday) AOE
- Paper submission:
January 18, 2013January 22, 2013 (Tuesday) AOE - Workshop/Tutorial proposals: January 25, 2013 (Friday) AOE
- Workshop/Tutorial notification: January 30, 2013 (Wednesday) AOE
- Paper Author Rebuttal: March 13—17, 2013
- Paper Author notification:
March 21, 2013March 27, 2013 (Wednesday) - Poster submission:
March 15, 2013March 29, 2013 (Friday) AOE - Student Research submission:
March 15, 2013March 29, 2013 (Friday) AOE - Early registration open: March 29, 2013 (Friday)
- Final paper submission:
April 1, 2013April 8, 2013 (Monday) AOE - Poster notification:
March 31, 2013April 19, 2013 (Friday) - ACM Student research notification:
March 31, 2013April 12, 2013 (Friday) - Early registration deadline: May 3, 2013 (Friday)
- Student Early registration deadline: May 10, 2013 (Friday)
- Conference: 10—14 June 2013
AOE (Anywhere on Earth) dates shown above mean the deadlines are at 11:59pm UTC-12:00 of the days. The above dates are tentative and subject to change. Consult the conference website for the most up-to-date scheduling information.